Monday, January 24, 2011

How to Paint Glass Suncatchers

You can achieve a rich stained-glass effect, easily and inexpensively, by painting on uncolored glass. Hand-painted suncatchers are one-of-a-kind pieces of art that catch the sunlight and create a light show of colors. Painting a suncatcher is a quick project, so you can create a rich-looking gift in one afternoon. You may purchase an unpainted suncatcher, or, create your own design on a glass panel. Use only glass paints, which are usually acrylic based and are formulated to cling to glass's smooth surface.


Things You'll Need:

  • Suncatcher, unpainted
  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • Glass paints of various colors
  • Paint brushes
  • Cotton swabs
  • Paper towels
  1. 1
    Trace the outer edge of the suncatcher on a piece of paper. Design your color scheme on the tracing. You may use colored pencils on your tracking, or simple outlines for the colors (like a paint-by-numbers picture looks before painting). Lay the suncatcher over your tracing.
  2. 2
    Paint each section of the suncatcher carefully. Use a cotton swab to reach tight areas, and cotton swabs or a paper towel to remove any extra paint before it dries. Allow the paint to dry completely.
  3. 3
    Paint the reverse side of the suncatcher using the same colors and design that you did on the first side. Allow the paint to dry completely.
  4. 4
    Hang the suncatcher in a window or in front of a bright light, and check for any mistakes or spots you have missed. Paint these areas and allow to dry completely.
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